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Json Wizard 1 3 Download Free

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This is a implementation of the JSON specification according to RFC 7159 . Starting from version 1.0.0 on therewill be two variants available:

  1. A simple and efficient JSON library for embedded C. Author Benoit Blanchon Website. Filename Release Date File Size; 2020-08-04.
  2. Simplejson is the externally maintained development version of the json library included with Python (since 2.6). This version is tested with the latest Python 3.8 and maintains backwards compatibility with Python 3.3+ and the legacy Python 2.5 - Python 2.7 releases.
  • A pure ruby variant, that relies on the iconv and the stringscanextensions, which are both part of the ruby standard library.
  • The quite a bit faster native extension variant, which is in partsimplemented in C or Java and comes with its own unicode conversionfunctions and a parser generated by the ragel state machine compiler .

Both variants of the JSON generator generate UTF-8 character sequences bydefault. If an :ascii_only option with a true value is given, they escape allnon-ASCII and control characters with uXXXX escape sequences, and supportUTF-16 surrogate pairs in order to be able to generate the whole range ofunicode code points.

All strings, that are to be encoded as JSON strings, should be UTF-8 bytesequences on the Ruby side. To encode raw binary strings, that aren't UTF-8encoded, please use the to_json_raw_object method of String (which producesan object, that contains a byte array) and decode the result on the receivingendpoint.

Download json-simple-1.1.jar. Json-simple/ 14 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files. Save Wizard 1.0.6510.3 Crack With License Key Free Download. Latest Save Wizard 1.0.6510.3 has a lot of key features for the gamer of PS4. But there are some of the amazing and that's why it's the most popular cheat game software in the industry of PS4 games. Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.


It's recommended to use the extension variant of JSON, because it's faster thanthe pure ruby variant. If you cannot build it on your system, you can settlefor the latter.

Just type into the command line as root:

The above command will build the extensions and install them on your system.


will just install the pure ruby implementation of JSON.

If you use Rubygems you can type

instead, to install the newest JSON version.

There is also a pure ruby json only variant of the gem, that can be installedwith:

Compiling the extensions yourself

If you want to create the parser.c file from its parser.rl file or draw nicegraphviz images of the state machines, you need ragel from:


To use JSON you can

to load the installed variant (either the extension 'json' or the purevariant 'json_pure'). If you have installed the extension variant, you canpick either the extension variant or the pure variant by typing


Now you can parse a JSON document into a ruby data structure by calling

If you want to generate a JSON document from a ruby data structure call

You can also use the pretty_generate method (which formats the output moreverbosely and nicely) or fast_generate (which doesn't do any of the securitychecks generate performs, e. g. nesting deepness checks).

There are also the JSON and JSON[] methods which use parse on a String orgenerate a JSON document from an array or hash:


You can choose to load a set of common additions to ruby core's objects ifyou

After requiring this you can, e. g., serialise/deserialise Ruby ranges:

To find out how to add JSON support to other or your own classes, read thesection 'More Examples' below.

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To get the best compatibility to rails' JSON implementation, you can

Both of the additions attempt to require 'json' (like above) first, if it hasnot been required yet.

Serializing exceptions

The JSON module doesn't extend Exception by default. If you convert an Exceptionobject to JSON, it will by default only include the exception message.

To include the full details, you must either load the json/add/core mentionedabove, or specifically load the exception addition:

More Examples

To create a JSON document from a ruby data structure, you can callJSON.generate like that:

To get back a ruby data structure from a JSON document, you have to callJSON.parse on it:


To get the best compatibility to rails' JSON implementation, you can

Both of the additions attempt to require 'json' (like above) first, if it hasnot been required yet.

Serializing exceptions

The JSON module doesn't extend Exception by default. If you convert an Exceptionobject to JSON, it will by default only include the exception message.

To include the full details, you must either load the json/add/core mentionedabove, or specifically load the exception addition:

More Examples

To create a JSON document from a ruby data structure, you can callJSON.generate like that:

To get back a ruby data structure from a JSON document, you have to callJSON.parse on it:

Note, that the range from the original data structure is a simplestring now. The reason for this is, that JSON doesn't support rangesor arbitrary classes. In this case the json library falls back to callObject#to_json, which is the same as #to_s.to_json.

It's possible to add JSON support serialization to arbitrary classes bysimply implementing a more specialized version of the #to_json method, thatshould return a JSON object (a hash converted to JSON with #to_json) likethis (don't forget the *a for all the arguments):

The hash key json_class is the class, that will be asked to deserialise theJSON representation later. In this case it's Range, but any namespace ofthe form A::B or ::A::B will do. All other keys are arbitrary and can beused to store the necessary data to configure the object to be deserialised.

If the key json_class is found in a JSON object, the JSON parser checksif the given class responds to the json_create class method. If so, it iscalled with the JSON object converted to a Ruby hash. So a range canbe deserialised by implementing Range.json_create like this:

Now it possible to serialise/deserialise ranges as well:

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JSON.generate always creates the shortest possible string representation of aruby data structure in one line. This is good for data storage or networkprotocols, but not so good for humans to read. Fortunately there's alsoJSON.pretty_generate (or JSON.pretty_generate) that creates a more readableoutput:

There are also the methods Kernel#j for generate, and Kernel#jj forpretty_generate output to the console, that work analogous to Core Ruby's p andthe pp library's pp methods.

The script tools/server.rb contains a small example if you want to test, howreceiving a JSON object from a webrick server in your browser with thejavasript prototype library works.

Speed Comparisons

I have created some benchmark results (see the benchmarks/data-p4-3Ghzsubdir of the package) for the JSON-parser to estimate the speed up in the Cextension:

In the table above 1 is JSON::Ext::Parser, 2 is YAML.load with YAMLcompatbile JSON document, 3 is is JSON::Pure::Parser, and 4 isActiveSupport::JSON.decode. The ActiveSupport JSON-decoder converts theinput first to YAML and then uses the YAML-parser, the conversion seems toslow it down so much that it is only as fast as the JSON::Pure::Parser!

If you look at the benchmark data you can see that this is mostly caused bythe frequent high outliers - the median of the Rails-parser runs is stilloverall smaller than the median of the JSON::Pure::Parser runs:

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I have benchmarked the JSON-Generator as well. This generated a few morevalues, because there are different modes that also influence the achievedspeed:

In the table above 1-3 are JSON::Ext::Generator methods. 4, 6, and 7 areJSON::Pure::Generator methods and 5 is the Rails JSON generator. It is now abit faster than the generator_safe and generator_pretty methods of the purevariant but slower than the others.

To achieve the fastest JSON document output, you can use the fast_generatemethod. Beware, that this will disable the checking for circular Ruby datastructures, which may cause JSON to go into an infinite loop.

Here are the median comparisons for completeness' sake:



Update the json.gemspec and json-java.gemspec.


Florian Frank


Ruby License, see


The latest version of this library can be downloaded at

Online Documentation should be located at

VersionReleasedForge VersionChangelogDownload
8.1.3 09/14/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
8.1.2 07/22/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
8.1.1 07/21/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
8.1.0 07/03/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
8.0.0 06/03/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
2.9.4 02/11/2020 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
2.5.1 2/18/2019 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
2.2.1 7/29/2018 1.12.2 - ReadDownload
1.4.1 2/14/18 1.10.2 - None Available Download
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