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Calendar Pro 3 3 – Google Calendar Application Form

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In this example, I set up skeleton code in Apps Script to make it easier for Kam to learn the G Suite service calls (you can see it in the video). Now we can input simple Apps Script calls to facilitate each sub-task! Step 1: Identify the calendar. First, we need to decide which Calendar we want to add information into. VueMinder is the best calendar app for Windows. Share calendars and reminders in your home, office, or online.

  1. Calendar Pro 3 3 – Google Calendar Application Form Pdf
  2. Google Form To Google Calendar

Google Calendar lets you organize your schedule and share events with co-workers and friends. With Google's free online calendar, it's easy to keep track of your daily schedule.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Logic AppsStandardAll Logic Apps regions except the following:
- Azure China regions
Power AutomateStandardAll Power Automate regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
Power AppsStandardAll Power Apps regions except the following:
- US Government (GCC High)
- China Cloud operated by 21Vianet
URLMicrosoft LogicApps Support
Microsoft Power Automate Support
Microsoft Power Apps Support
Connector Metadata
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To use this integration, you will need a Google account. If you are not a user yet, sign up for a new account.When trying to make a connection, you will be prompted to authenticate against your account. If you have multiple accounts, pick the one you would like to use and Sign in.Once verified, you will need to authorize Microsoft to access your contacts. Click on Allow to continue.

You're now ready to start using this integration.

Throttling Limits

NameCallsRenewal Period
API calls per connection10060 seconds
Frequency of trigger polls190 seconds


Create an event

This operation is used to create an event on a specific calendar.

Delete an event

This operation is used to delete an event from a calendar.

Get an event

This operation is used to get the details of a specific event from a calendar.

List calendars

This operation is used to list all calendars in your Google account.

List the events on a calendar

This operation is used to return the first page of arbitrarily ordered events on the selected calendar.

Update an event

This operation is used to update an existing event on a calendar.

Create an event

This operation is used to create an event on a specific calendar.


calendarId True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

summary string

A summary of the event.

start True date-time

The (inclusive) start time of the event.

End time
end True date-time

The (exclusive) end time of the event.

description string

Description of the event.

location string

Geographic location of the event as free-form text.

attendees string

Enter a comma-separated list of attendee emails.

status string

Status of the event. Possible values are 'confirmed', 'tentative', or 'cancelled'.

isAllDay boolean

Is all-day event?


Details of a single calendar event.


Delete an event

This operation is used to delete an event from a calendar.


calendarId True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

Event ID
eventId True string

Unique ID of the event to update.


Get an event

This operation is used to get the details of a specific event from a calendar.


calendarId True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

Event ID
eventId True string

Unique ID of the event to get.



Details of a single calendar event.

List calendars

This operation is used to list all calendars in your Google account.


minAccessRole string

The minimum access role users must have to view calendars.


List of one or multiple calendars.

Calendar List

List the events on a calendar

This operation is used to return the first page of arbitrarily ordered events on the selected calendar.


calendarId True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

Min Time
timeMin date-time

Time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (2016-07-20T08:00:00.000Z).

timeMax date-time

Time format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ (2016-07-20T09:00:59.000Z).

Search query
q string

Text search terms to find events that match these terms in any fields


List of events in a calendar.

Update an event

This operation is used to update an existing event on a calendar.


calendarId True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

Event ID
eventId True string

Unique ID of the event to get.

summary string

A summary of the event.

Start time
start date-time

The (inclusive) start time of the event.

end date-time

The (exclusive) end time of the event.

description string

Description of the event.

location string

Geographic location of the event as free-form text.

attendees string

Enter a comma-separated list of attendee emails.

status string

Status of the event. Possible values are 'confirmed', 'tentative', or 'cancelled.

Is all-day
isAllDay boolean

Is all-day event?


Details of a single calendar event.


When an event is added, updated or deleted from a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is added, updated or deleted from a calendar.

When an event is added to a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is added to a calendar.

When an event is deleted from a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is deleted from a calendar.

When an event is updated in a calendar

This operation triggers when an event is updated in a calendar. Reckless: getaway 1 0 5.

When an event starts

This operation triggers when an event starts.

When an event is added, updated or deleted from a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is added, updated or deleted from a calendar.


calendar_id True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.

Expand Recurring Events?
singleEvents boolean

Whether to expand recurring events into instances.


List of events in a calendar.

When an event is added to a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is added to a calendar.


calendar_id True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.


List of events in a calendar.

Calendar Pro 3 3 – Google Calendar Application Form Pdf

Event List

When an event is deleted from a calendar

This operation triggers when a new event is deleted from a calendar.


calendar_id True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.


Google Form To Google Calendar

List of events in a calendar.

Event List

When an event is updated in a calendar

This operation triggers when an event is updated in a calendar.


calendar_id True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.


List of events in a calendar.

Event List

When an event starts

This operation triggers when an event starts.


calendar_id True string

Unique ID of the calendar to fetch events from.


List of events in a calendar.

Event List



List of one or multiple calendars.

items array of CalendarListEntry

Calendars in the list.


Details about a single Google calendar.

id string

Identifier of the calendar.

summary string

Title of the calendar.

description string

Description of the calendar.

location string

Geographic location of the calendar as free-form text.

timeZone string

The time zone of the calendar.


List of events in a calendar.

items array of ResponseEvent

Events in the calendar.


List of events in a calendar.

items array of ResponseEventWithActionType

Changed events in the calendar.


Json wizard 1 3 download free. Details of a single calendar event.

summary string

A summary of the event.

Start Date-Time
start date-time

The (inclusive) start time of the event.

end date-time

The (exclusive) end time of the event.

description string

Description of the event.

location string

Geographic location of the event as free-form text.

status string

Status of the event. Possible values are 'confirmed', 'tentative', or 'cancelled'.

htmlLink string

Unique ID of the list.

Event ID
id string

Opaque identifier of the event.

attendees string

The event's attendees.

creator string

The creator of the event.

organizer string

The organizer of the event.


Details of a single calendar event and what action changes the event.

actionType string

Type of action which changed the event in change trigger.

summary string

A summary of the event.

start date-time

The (inclusive) start time of the event.

End Date-time
end date-time

The (exclusive) end time of the event.

description string

Description of the event.

location string

Geographic location of the event as free-form text.

status string

Status of the event. Possible values are 'confirmed', 'tentative', or 'cancelled'.

HTML link
htmlLink string

Unique ID of the list.

id string

Opaque identifier of the event.

attendees string

The event's attendees.

creator string

The creator of the event.

organizer string

The organizer of the event.


The 123FormBuilder Google Calendar integration allows you to create forms from which your visitors can:

  1. Create events, which will be transferred directly into one of the calendars from your Google Calendar account.
  2. Register as attendees at existing events from your Google Calendar account.

You can enable this application from the SettingsApplications section. Select the Google Calendar application from the list and click on Add. It's very important that you are also logged into your Google Calendar account, in order for your 123FormBuilder and Google Calendar accounts to communicate.

Now follow these steps to enable the Google Calendar integration for your form:

  1. Click on Connect to Google Calendar.
  1. Click on Accept, in order to let the application apply any changes necessary to your Google Calendar account.
  1. A popup will appear, the Customize panel, where you have to associate Google Calendar fields with 123FormBuilder fields and hit Save. These associations establish how the information is passed to your Google Calendar account.
  1. From Usage mode, select the type of action you want: Create a new event or Add an attendee to an existing event.

It's really recommended that you set on required the fields you'll need to associate in the Customize panel. This way there won't be any errors, when creating or attending an event, form users being unable to submit your form, without completing all the fields. If you do not set as required the current fields, users may skip some of them and the integration will not succeed in your Google Calendar account. In short, even though a submission will pass successfully, if not all fields have been completed, no event will be created or the attendee will not be added to your event.

  1. In Error handling (bottom page) you can add your email address, in case your submissions encounter some problems. If you delete an event, and later someone is trying to attend it, or if you delete a calendar, where someone is trying to create an event, you'll receive an alert in your inbox with details of the submission.Here's an example:

These were the steps for using the Google Calendar application for your form. Below you can find the steps for setting up the two types of actions that this integration allows: A. creating new events and B. adding attendees to one of your events.

To create a new event

  1. You'll need to add to your form the fields Name, Date, Time, Email, Number (for Duration) and three Short Text Boxes (for Location, Description and Title, respectively). Set them on required, as specified earlier.
  1. Select Create a new event from Usage mode, in the Customize panel.
  1. Select the calendar where you want the event to be created, if you have more than one calendar in your Google Calendar account. If you have problems finding your desired calendar press the Refresh button on the right.
  1. You can choose to write a title in the assigned box or associate the appropriate field from your form in the dropdown list, below. Don't forget to click Add, in order for the field's input to be set in the Title box.
  1. You can set the duration of the event in two ways: using Value – where you have five options available: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h or using Fields – where you can assign a Number field from your form, where users will specify the time in minutes.
  1. The Description box can be set the same way as the Title.
  1. Associate any field you want from the dropdown list for Location.
  1. You can allow multiple events to happen at the same time in your Google Calendar account, by enabling this option in the Customize panel.
  1. Click on Save and you'll find the created event in your Google Calendar account, like in the example below:

To add an attendee to an existing event

  1. Here you'll need to add and set as required only the fields Name and Email in your form.
  1. Select Add an attendee to an existing event from Usage mode, within the Customize panel.
  1. Select a calendar and make sure that the associations for the Name and Email fields are made correctly in Attendee details.
  1. In Event details choose the desired event. Search for it by Date and select its name from the dropdown list below.
  1. Click on Save within the Customize panel and your form is set.

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